

Tradition. Service. Professionalism


Herman & Nettie Silzer opened H Silzer Insurance September, 1946 in the community of Pangman, Saskatchewan (Population 250). Unbeknownst to them, the business which used to trade wheat and livestock in exchange for insurance policies would blossom into an inter provincial insurance brokerage writing business across sea's and throughout our vast country. Now a 4th generation insurance broking office, we have been able to hold onto our core small town values while being flexible throughout multiple technological changes and marketing conditions. We have been dedicated to our clients while maintaining focus on our growth as a company and as individuals for over our 75 years with the best still ahead of us. Our deep roots in the industry is the security to which our client’s share with us.


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pRESIDENT & SEnior Broker 

Todd Douglas Schwindt

There is no replacing age old knowledge and pure desire to be the best.  With over 30 years experience writing business across Western Canada including business such as Sawmills and Heli Logging operations in British Columbia to Tank Farms on the shores of the Arctic ocean. Native of Parry, Saskatchewan Todd is also very well versed in the oilfield and agriculture businesses. Outside of being the lead pool of knowledge Todd also is a very proud grandfather to over 10 grandchildren.  


Commercial Insurance & Bonding Representative  



- All classes of commercial insurance including commercial property and causality/Aviation/Oilfield/Agriculture/Marine Protection Indemnity/Well Head Liability/Cargo/Trucking/Mining/Specialty Products



Director of Operations

Carla Leah Schwindt

The pillar of the business and director of operations Carla’s 30 plus years experience in operating a insurance brokerage is instrumental in the companies successes and continuing expansions. She writes all classes of business for Avid specializing in the tourism, hospitality industry and niche markets in Western Canada and the Arctic.


Senior Broker

-All classes of commercial insurance including commercial property and causality/Aviation/Oilfield/Agriculture/Marine Protection Indemnity/Well Head Liability/Cargo/Trucking/Mining/Specialty Products



Chris Schwindt

Chris started working under Todd and Carla Schwindt in 2006 after time spent in the heavy construction, light construction and oil and gas industry. He has been an instrumental part of the Avid’s team successes with his knowledge outside of the insurance industry. His various industry, as well as life experiences have been key in understanding our clients business needs. In addition to direct hands on industry related experience, Chris also holds a level 3 Canadian Associated Insurance Broker license with a plethora of additional courses rounding out his marketing education. Chris is a very proud father of 2 children, mountain snowboard/snowmobile enthusiast, and cheers for the the best hockey team ever, the Edmonton Oilers!


Senior Broker

- All classes of commercial insurance including commercial property and causality/Aviation/Oilfield/Agriculture/Marine Protection Indemnity/Well Head Liability/Cargo/Trucking/Mining/Specialty Products


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Shandi Lynn Millar

Shandi Lynn has been working full time in the insurance industry for the past 12 years with a brief term working for the Government of the Northwest Territories. Shandi is very personable and an absolute joy to be around; she is the Yellowknife office manager and a master in all types of personal and commercial insurance. She is a proud wife and mother to four children and a local in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.

Office Manager (Yellowknife)

- All classes of commercial insurance including commercial property and causality/Aviation/Oilfield/Agriculture/Marine Protection Indemnity/Well Head Liability/Cargo/Trucking/Mining/Specialty Products